
Friday 30 January 2015

Planning: Script

Planning: Calendar

We have settled on this particular schedule because it coincides with our lesson times and free periods, this rota will give enough time to carry out the necessary filming, as well as editing in order to complete our film. In addition, these particular times mean we can utilise certain resources which we may not have been able to if they were set on different dates.

Tuesday 27 January 2015

Planning: Initial Ideas

This is a podcast introducing to the viewers the initial ideas that we have planned for the movie that we are making. This will include the type of thriller it is going to be, why we chose this thriller and so forth.

Friday 23 January 2015

Planning: Mise-En-Scene


This can be discussed over many aspects but our focus is to concentrate on the main ones, of which are:
  • Set design
  • Lighting
  • Space
  • Composition
  • Costume
  • Make up and hairstyles - characters
  • Acting


The setting of a film is more important and significant than the setting of a theatre and is ALMOST ALWAYS more detailed. In the initial stages of making a film the objective would be to find a location which already exists. This location will then be altered to reflect exactly what the filmmaker is trying to portray. A setting can be used for much more than simply telling us where something is happening. It can be used to manipulate the audience into building certain expectations.

A cityscape has a setting of a busy environment where there is a lot of noise as well as an urban scene. It tends to represent a business sort of place where it would be crowded and full of life everywhere you look, but only human life.

The desert would be a completely opposite setting in an empty and deserted environment where there is nothing but sand in a blank extreme longshot sort of scene with maybe props such as a tree to show where the action would be set. The only life would be the animals or the dry plants about but no life signs as it is far from civilisation and so quiet.


Props also have a large impact on the setting as they literally make up the scene, environment and what can be experienced by the audience. This then places an effect on what the audience of what we want them to understand and feel during the scene.

There are different types but the main which impact the movie the most are low key and high key lighting. low key allows the camera to capture a dark, hidden and even scary moment whereas high key can allow you to show a happy high emotion occurrence therefore improving the environment making it seem like a happier moment.

this terms refers to  the way in which something is put together or arranged, the combination of parts or elements that make up something therefore how it is positioned can relate to the direction in which peoples eyes travel while looking at the media piece and how they feel what they are looking at.

The costume allows the easy identification of any character in comparison to how, what and when they are acting as well as who. this means that setting a scene can be easy and therefore applicable easily. Costumes also allow direction relations to stereotypes and links. this means that a costume is as important as any scene/set and can sometimes be more important if you cant capture a grasp of who the actor is playing to what they are performing, for a example wouldn't wear pajamas to a wedding and so it is extremely important. 

Planning: Storyboard

This is our storyboard. Our whole group has been doing our separate drawings to do with our upcoming movie. The scenes you are about to see may change or be improved upon as in different camera views.

1. This is the extreme long shot that showcases our location but at a distance. Within the area, there will be a small town where we will be filming our piece.

2. This is the Long shot. This area will be at the beginning of the film to further show the area.

3. In this scene, Bogdan and his friend places the bag in the middle of an alleyway behind some objects. As he is placing the bag down, His boss, Viktor, is calling him.
This shot will be a full body shot of Bogdan placing the bag

4. As Bogdan walks away talking to his boss, Emmanuel appears out of the streets to only find a bag hiding behind objects. He takes a look at what's inside and finds a ton of money. worth around £50,000
This shot will be a full body shot of Emmanuel finding the bag
5. Emmanuel picks up the bag and puts his hood over his head just incase someone spots him. Bogdan returns while putting his phone in his pocket, after finding Emmanuel leave, he called for his mate and told Emmanuel to stop right where he is.
Emmanuel turns around only to find two guys ready to come after him, but finds this bag more important, so he started to run.
This will be a Full body shot of Emmanuel leaving while Bogdan watches

6. Emmanuel started to run for it, along with the duffel bag right behind him filled with money. This shot will be a full body shot of Emmanuel running

                                                                                  7. The duo ran straight after him the second he left. Emmanuel mate thought it would be wise to meet Emmanuel at the other end, but didn't really know where he was headed.
This shot will be a full body shot of Bogdan and his friend running after Emmanuel

8. The three were climbing over walls and pushing over obstacles in the hope that Emmanuel would lose them, but Bogdan isn't that easy to lose.
This shot will be a long shot to a full body shot, of Emmanuel and Bogdan climbing over obstacles

 9.Emmanuel finds that running away is no longer an option and thought of another way to get rid of Bogdan. He searches nearby and finds a teenager riding his bicycle. He runs over to that person and pushes him off of his bike, only to ride as far away as possible from Bogdan. 
This shot it a long shot which could be changed to a full body shot of Emmanuel stealing the bike off of a teenager 

10. Bogdan starts to slow down, grabbing his head in shame and thinking about what his boss would do to him if he finds out.
Emmanuel, after losing Bogdan, looks back to see that Bogdan is no longer there, so he casually rides back to his house.
This shot would be a long shot of Emmanuel riding a bicycle down the street

11. Emmanuel reaches his house and open his door.
This would be a full shot of Emmanuel entering his house

12. Takes his jacket off and places all of his items on the table, breathing heavily after a long chase.
This shot will be a medium shot of Emmanuel entering his house.

13. Emmanuel looks straight into the bag to see if there is anything else he could find within. he couldn't find anything else, just money.
This shot would be a full body shot of Emmanuel looking through the bag.

14. Bogdan Runs straight back to his place to tell Viktor the news via Mobile.
This will be a full body shot of Bogdans friend walking into the house.

15. Bogan's friend follows a couple minutes later, embarrassed to to tell Bogdan where he had been all this time.
This will be a medium shot of Bogdans friend at the door.

16. Bogdan is walking over to the table where the Mobile phone lies, he has a bad feeling about calling his boss, but it has to be done.
This will be a full body shot of Bogdan walking to the table.

17. the two both talk about what had happen and which direction he is headed, Viktor knows where this place is and realised something peculiar.
This will be a medium shot of them in different locations but have a symmetrical cut to show both at the same time.

18. Emmanuel finds his phone ringing, he gets his hands out of the bag, and answers...
This will be a medium shot of Emmanuel talking on the phone.

Planning: Mind Maps

Planning: Data Analysis


Data tends to usually be collected through intense research and we collected some charts which repsresent a percantage of people who watch thrillers in terms of gender as well as age demographics.
This graph shows the equal demand for thrillers from the public and generally it is equal as these types of films can be enjoyed by all genders. Males can ussually can go within male groups and females likewise, however this can vary in terms of varied gender groups such as dates where both a male and a female go together to a movie.
Thrillers also make up a large percentage of the types of film that people watch in general. They are recognised by the public as fun having multiple uses and so are usually therefore chosen to be viewed.
The age of people going to see these type of movie also varies as a the highest percentage (26%) of people who go to see thrillers are 50+ and the highest percentage of the general percentage who go to the cinema are also the same age therefore that is the easiest market to target however the second largest are teenagers and as stated before they have their own purpose for going due to their age group and therefore common interactions with others.

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Planning: Location

This is a satellite view of filming location

We are planning to film here due to the amazing scenery in terms of having an environment which represents the abandoned and poor scenes with graffiti sprayed about as well as giving us the insight that following the idea of stereotypes this area is full of crime and injustice performed all over and there is a prime location to have at least the start of our opening scene to be here.

Planning: Draft Work

Movie Plot

Ten seconds: Bogdan, Viktor’s subordinate, is being chased by the police while holding a barrel bag containing £50,000 and a blood soaked knife. He goes into a small alley in order to briefly escape police attention and dumps the bag, before running away.
Ten seconds: Emmanuel comes across the bag which was left in the alley. He searches the bag and finds £50,000, he chooses to take it. He is unaware that it belongs to the Russian kingpin Viktor.
Twenty seconds: Bogdan returns to the alley shortly after, while speaking to Viktor on the mobile phone about what happened. He spots Emmanuel departing with the bag, and leaves the call running. He runs after Emmanuel and instructs him to stop.
Twenty seconds: Emmanuel stops and looks at Bogdan. Emmanuel talks to Bogdan and drops the bag after.
Thirty seconds: Emmanuel engages in a Bruce Lee-like fight with Bogdan after they arrive to a disagreement, and the phone ends up on the ground with the call still occurring. Bogdan tries to retrieve the blade from the bag while they both lay on the ground in pain, and attempts to stab Emmanuel but he manages to roll aside and knock the knife from his possession.
Twenty seconds: Emmanuel gains possession of the blade while it sits on the ground, and charges at a stood Bogdan. Emmanuel stabs Bogdan’s gut repeatedly and the film begins to run slowly, to allow for greater emphasize on the situation. Emmanuel pushes Bogdan to the ground after with the knife stuck inside.
Ten seconds: Emmanuel puts the bag on his shoulder and picks up the phone which he spots on the ground. Emmanuel makes a sly remark to Viktor and laughs, before hanging up. Emmanuel leaves with the money in a dramatic fashion.

Planning: Thriller Questionnaire

Here is the survey that I have created using survey monkey. I did the survey in order to get feedback from our target audience so I can make improvements to the thriller movie. The survey was about thriller movies but in particular the aspects of it that make them either good or bad. An example of this would been the aspects of thriller movies that builds suspense since thriller movies have intensifying moments. By producing a questionnaire, it will create a clear direction of what include in the film and what to avoid in making my film.

Planning: Concept Art

Concept Art

Our group gathered various thoughts when creating the poster; the character has a hood over his head and this reflects a well-known stereotype that those who wear a hoodie, are most definitely affiliated to some sort of crime. In addition, the background looks partially dark so it provides the audience with a daunting, and possibly secretive feeling, which makes viewers want to predict what is happening. Lastly, the title's font is urban and perfectly represents the genre of this film.

Planning: Analyzing Thriller Questionnaire Results

After the survey had been dseigned, we asked a few people to take the survey so that analyze the results and help us to make our film meet the target market's needs.

For Question 1,  I found out that 100% of all the people have shopped at H&M in the past 6 months. 12.5% of people have shopped at Footasylum and 25% have shopped at Topman. Other comments include Tk Maxx, Nike, Superdry, Primark, Vans, River Island, Next and Outfit. Therefore, this means that we have to mainly buy our costumes from H&M to meet the target market's needs.

For Question 2, 22.2% of people listen to hip hop/rap, 33.33% of people listen to pop and 44.44% listen to rock music. Other responses include alternative, Indie rock, house and pop rock. Due to the fact that most people listen to rock music, it means that we will have to implement rock music into our movie scenes.

For question 3, I found out that 44.44% of people had action thrillers as their favourite type of thriller . This is also the same with crime thrillers. However, only 11.11% of people had crime thriller as their favourite type of thriller. This means that we will have add the motifs & elements of action and crime thrillers. This will  include an obvious protagonist and antagonist, a race against the clock, a macguffin (pointless element) and suspense.

For Question 4, 71.48% of all people spend their leisure time watching TV. 0% spend their time playing sports and 28.57% spent their leisure time shopping. Other comments will include social networking, listening to music, Netflix, playing video games and socializing with friends. As most people watch tv as their leisure time, it means that we will have to feature people watching tv as part of a scene within our movie.

For Question 5, I found out that most people found both the sound used and the story plot to be the most essential within a movie thriller. This is because 45.45% of respondents voted for both sound and plot whilst only 9.09% voted for setting. This means that the story plot will have to be engaging in order to meet the audience's need and appropriate sounds must be used throughout the movie.

For this question, I found out that the most engaging factor within a thriller movie would be suspense. This is due to the fact that 63.64% of respondents voted for this. Also, the second most important factor would be mystery as there was a 27.27% vote. Following on from that, it means that we will have to implement these features into our film to make it exciting.

For this question, I have asked  people to state their favourite thriller movie. This was so that elements from these movies can be incorporated into our film. The responses included Nightcrawler, The Host, Taken, Se7en, Chainsaw Massacre and Die Hard.

Here, I have asked people to state an ideal opening/ending of a thriller movie in order to produce a high quality movie to meet the audience's needs. The people have responded with event's leading up to the murderer's identity/confession an opening that tells the story well and an unexpected ending, plot twist ending/ominous opening, a cliffhanger, an opening that makes people ask question & the ending does not answer them and a jump scare. With these answers put in place, the most important factor would be to have a plot twist at the end i.e. an opening that makes people asks question which don't get answered at the end.

For the question 9, I was asking aspect builds suspense within a movie due to the fact that we are going to produce a action thriller which is bombarded with intensifying moment especially in chase scenes. The top answer was sound as 63.64% of respondents voted for that answer. Therefore, this means that sound is the most important factor that builds suspense within a movie thriller and as a result, this aspect will be used in our films.

For the last question, I was trying to find out about what aspects of thriller movies that people dislike. These things included inevitable endings, a cliche story plot, tedious characters and other comments included bad acting. The most voted answer was inevitable endings as 70% of respondents for voted this with . This shows that people are fed up of seeing the same old endings and the same story plot. As a result, we must make the story engaging and the ending surprising to avoid this problem and meet the audience's needs.

Planning: Posting Survey on Social Media

Here I posted the link of my thriller survey into facebook, encouraging people to take the survey and give us feedback. This is due to the fact that the people are on facebook almost all the time are teenagers/ young adults.  By posting this link onto facebook, I am reaching out to the target audience and people will be most likely to access the survey through facebook in comparison to if it was just to be a stand alone link.