
Friday 8 May 2015

Evaluation: Shane Fitzpatrick Evaluation

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
The story starts out with an ordinary man walking across the street with a suspicious looking bag, he puts the bag down and walks around the corner to do his business. As he is doing this, a mysterious man comes along while playing a friendly game to show he has no intention of hurting someone. However, he finds a bag on the ground and noticed that there was "a whole lot of money" and decides take it for himself. At that point, the viewers will notice that it is a crime thriller from the theft. This type of thriller can be compared to The Godfather. How there is a protagonist and an antagonist with a rivalry against each other with henchmen to do things for them.
As for the camera shots, we used some POV shots to include the viewer in this petty theft, make them feel apart of doing something wrong to build tension and a sense of Ideal I to show how much better of a person than that person is. The other were low and high angles, we made sure that the one that has the bag was the one with power, while the other who has lost the bag has lost all of that power, and even be punished for losing it.
The clothing of these characters were of an urban type of style, the criminal had the right haircut to play the part as a henchmen while the one taking the bag was wearing normal outdoor clothing, as if he didn't know he'll be this lucky. The scene was in an urban area making the clothing blend in with the atmosphere and the props that we used were made sure that it was of the urban style.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?
There can be some representation about particular social groups in our film. For the main social group clearly seen in the film, their Ethnicity. The ethnicity that is indicated in the film would be Russian, you can tell this is Russian because of the accents of the three characters, (Bogdan, Viktor and Niko). The last character (Emmanuel) wasn't Russian at all, instead his ethnicity was african. this may be stereotypical towards black people as we have a black person stealing from white people which can cause problems in society. You can tell who is Russian and who isn't distinctly by their first names.
Another representation that has been considered was the area in which this was shot, the atmosphere was urban making it easier to find graffiti spots and abandoned alleyways. the location we went to was Brick Lane. This area had the buildings you would see in an atmosphere run by a mafia boss.
The class represented in this film would be lower and middle class. The protagonist would be the lower class seeing as he is the one to find and steal the money for himself, whereas the antagonists are middle class, this is because they are working under a vigilante boss who's goal is to get money from clients. Because of these crimes, they go down a class, but because they obtain a lot of money and fame in the area, they are not as low as the protagonist.
What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
The media institution that might distribute my media product would probably be Paramount Pictures. The reason why i have chosen Paramount pictures is because they are one of the biggest movie production companies in America, who has also distributed "The Godfather", which we have taken influence from in our movie "Ruthless Russians"
Paramount Pictures are known to distribute lots of thrillers that, some being crime while the others are another specific genre of thriller. These films appeal to the teenage audience as they mostly have warfare between many different groups, teenagers also enjoy scenes to do with chasing and robberies. This is the reason why we would like to have Paramount pictures to distribute our product. We think that, because Judging from all of their top releases like Titanic which have given them at least 14 awards for.

Who would be the audience for your media product?
The target audience for our Media Product would be the young european teen males. The reason for this is because the film consists of teens making the Ideal I suitable for the teens who are going to watch our film. The Ideal I would make the teens feel like they are in the film with POV shots included to get them to feel like they can do better that what the teenager in the film does. Meaning the film is portraying that it could be anyone who can stumble upon an item and are tempted to take with you. This film can be seen by a higher age group depending on their interest on small thievery.
How did you attract/address your audience?
The way we have attracted the audience was through social media and surveys. The survey we have used was on the website called SurveyMonkey, We have added at least 10 questions ranging from music to the clothing people enjoy, After we have made our survey, we have published it on facebook, one of the largest social medias. After a couple days, we have gotten the results and decided to interpret these answers in our film. Each of our 4 members spread them to our friends which then spread to their friends.
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
One of the technologies that i have learnt a lot about was the functions of the camera, i was the camera man in my group so i had the most fun, from panning left to right to the many different camera shots. Each of the camera shots i have decided to put in was from the other crime films that i have seen recently, this made the camera shots placing quiet easy as i have seen how it works for certain scenes. However, the difficulty that i w
as having with the camera was the fact that it kept on shaking due to the coldness of my hands and the wind blowing at us. it took us many tries to get the camera to stay still. In the end, we managed to get every perfect shot there has to be for this film.
A second piece of technology was the software on the mac called Adobe premiere. With this software, we are able to combine all the scenes together and add transitions to connect them. At the end of it all, we have added the sound suitable in the background of each scene and added the end credits.

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
Back when i was doing my preliminary, i have learned that all camera shots have different purposes. The long shot to show the area, full shot for movement and a medium closeup to closeup for dialog. Other than the camera shots.
I thought walking through a door then pausing to start at the other side of the door was weird, but it all came to me when i was editing my preliminary. There was a tool in premiere to combine each of the clips together and merge the two clips of me with the door so it can look like i smoothly walked through the door.
The most important thing about making a film that i have learnt from the preliminary was the continuity needed to create a great film. To keep the continuity we had to keep the same props and clothing, the clothing was a problem for us at first, but we have decided to record everything in one day after all the fails in the past, only because we knew what we were doing after all the retakes. 

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