What is Psychology?
The Psychic Apparatus: The theory of the psychic apparatus was first acknowledged by Sigmund Freud. He studied how the human mind can be broken into three main components which governs our behaviour.
The Id is concerned with pleasure, it does not care about the consequences and only operates on instinct and impulse. Let's take Michael for example, if someone was shouting loudly while using their mobile phone, he would most likely punch them and in order to gain silence which definitely pleases his needs without even considering the consequences, such as prison time.
The Ego
is concerned with the
reality of consequences - but isn't entirely bothered by the good or bad side
of the situation. It is highly aware of how others perceive it and it is
constantly demanding that we act in a way which others will find approving.
Meet my friend James, he wants to donate to charity however he doesn't really
want to lose his favourite book.
Jacques Lacan is a French psychoanalyst and
psychiatrist who is known to have found the idea of the Mirror Stage and the
Ideal I.
The Mirror Stage is basically the theory which explains that infants do not recognise themselves as being an individual, not knowing that they're a human or if they even exist. At around 18 months, a child will realise that they are human, and will start to establish an interpretation of themselves.
Voyeurism is the sexual pleasure gained through looking at the human form when they're unaware of it (spying).
Scopophilia and Gender
Sexual objectification occurs through our gaze, women are portrayed as sexual objects, or alternatively, meat. They are generally represented as weak in a variety of forms, such as looking childlike, vulnerable by shielding their chests and lastly, not looking directly at the audience.
However, male representation is the complete opposite: they are displayed as adult like, powerful and, as a result, they look directly at the subject.
The real question is: are females ever powerful?
Females may seem powerful, but through analysis, they still fall within the binary structure - take Wonderwoman for example, strong and powerful but sexually appealing.
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