
Tuesday 10 March 2015

Construction: Reflections - Film

We have just finished producing our Film.

What we have done well-  i believe that our camera shots were our strongest feat in this film, they were ranging from the POV shots to the Extreme long shots. Some of these camera shots were moving from left to right as seen in the long shot and of Emmanuel running along the pavement.
The camera shot that we have used the most was the low angle shot and medium shot, i don't really know why we had these low angle shots because nobody was showing power, The medium shots were used in the phone scene, this was because this scene was mostly focused on dialog and dialog only.
Another feat that i think we have done well in was the continuity. We have recorded all of our clips in one day so that the weather and clothing would be the same in all our clips. We also made sure that there weren't going to be any cuts between our clips when joining them up together.

What we need to improve on- I believe that our acting needs a lot of improvement, This is mostly because we cannot be heard most of the time. Although it was our first time doing this, so it is understandable for it to need improving.

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