
Friday 13 March 2015

Evaluation: Target Audience Research Summary

There are a few things that I have found out from the survey monkey questionnaire about Ruthless Russians & the interviews that I carried out with teh audience.

One of the things that I found out was that the audience liked the character Emmanuel (played by me). This is due to the fact that they were amused when he finds a random bag with litte knowing that it was filled with £50,000 & says "Damn, that's a whole load of money" running off with it after. They also liked how the movie was directed and had good continuity as it ran smoothly. They also found the point of view shots very interesting.

However, the audience were not pleased by acting as they thought that the russian accents were a bit too fake especially from the character Viktor. They also thought that it was the acting let the film down to a tiny scale. In addition, one of the audiences found that the movie Ruthless Russians too comedic rather than being a crime thriller.

One of the things that the audience suggested that my group could do to make the film better would be by improving our acting skills. This is due to the fact that 58% of the 12 respondents voted on that option and one of the audiences from my audience had suggested so. This would mean practicing our lines more & show our facial expressions more. Another thing that would make the film better would be by improving the concept of the thriller. This would involve adjusting the narrative of the movie. Furthermore, there should have been more camera shots and angles.

One of the changes that I would make to the movie if I were to start this process all over again would be to improve my acting skills so I would actually sound surprised and not mono toned. Another thing that would happen would be to improve the russian accents portrayed by Viktor, Niko and Bogdan.

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